How to Open Barred Door in Observatory AC Mirage
Not sure how to open the barred door on the Observatory in Assassin’s Creed Mirage? The next chapter of the legendary historical adventure brings back many traditional gameplay elements, such as stealth, pickpocketing, and breaking into places. While we explore the gorgeous 9th-century Baghdad, we will need to forcefully break into many locations. Here’s how to enter the Observatory in AC Mirage.

How to Open the Barred Door in the Observatory in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
The Abbasiyah district is a cultural and scientific centre not only of Baghdad but of the whole Empire. That’s where you’ll meet various scholars, philosophers, writers, artists, astronomers, and other knowledgeable people. It is a unique district to explore, as it emphasizes the significance of scientific research and the contribution of Baghdad in various spheres. It also has a lot of unique buildings, such as the Observatory in the Yasiriyah subdistrict. However, it is not exactly easy to enter this building. The only interactable door is locked tight and barred from the inside. Hence, how to open the barred door in the Observatory in Assassin’s Creed Mirage?
As with many of these doors in AC Mirage, you’ll have to find a perfect spot somewhere around the Observatory from where you will be able to hit the bar blocking the door from the inside. The best position is almost exactly the opposite of the door. Head left of the door, and go around the Observatory building until you reach the backside. Right behind the corner, you’ll spot a movable rack and a window. You’ll need to push the movable rack as far right as you possibly can.
How to Enter the Observatory in AC Mirage
Next, once you have it in the right position, jump on it. Position yourself as close as you can to the right edge of the rack’s top. And from there, you will be able to open the barred door of the Observatory in AC Mirage. The first thing you need to do is to open your Tool Wheel by holding RT on Xbox or R2 on PlayStation. Next, select throwing knives to equip them. That’s what we will use to break open the barred door. Once you place yourself perfectly, aim (hold LT/L2) for the door through the window at the door on the other side. Finally, when the crosshair turns red, throw (press RT/R2) the knife at the lock to break it. With the lock broken, head back on the other side and enter the Observatory.