AC Origins Tahemet's House Puzzle Solution - No Honor Among Thebes
Tahemet’s house puzzle is a new conundrum you’ll have to solve in Assassin’s Creed Origins. It appears during the No Honor Among Thebes quest, in the Curse of The Pharaohs DLC. The puzzle involves rotating a couple of statues to open the entrance to a secret room. It can be a bit overwhelming, as the game doesn’t give you any instructions. That’s why we’ve decided to help you by giving you the AC Origins Curse of the Pharaohs statue puzzle solution.

How to solve statue puzzle in Tahemet’s house?
While you’re searching for the auction invitation in Tahemet’s house in Thebes, you’ll end up in a room with three statues – two jackal busts, and a pharaoh head. You’ll need to position them so that the jackals are facing each other, and the pharaoh is facing away from the wall (towards you). You’ll do this by turning the jackal statues – the third one will rotate by itself.
Go to the right statue and turn it once. Then go to the left one, and rotate it twice. Finally, go back to the right one, and turn in twice more. When they’re all in place, both jackal heads will emit a dust cloud. Walk onto the boards in front of the pharaoh’s head, and you’ll fall through the trap door, direcly into the secret room.
I just turned the jackal’s head once on the left and i think twice for the right didn’t take nearly as complex as this walkthrough then oddly enough i found what i was looking for 1st that was twice in a row i figured it out on the 1st try and without much thought.