MW3 Zombies Toxic Damage Explained

If you need the MW3 Zombies Toxic Damage explained, you’re not the only one. COD Modern Warfare 3 does a deplorable job of explaining what Toxic Damage in MWZ even is, let alone how to deal it. In this guide, we are going to explain what Toxic Damage is in Zombies and how to get 30 kills with toxic damage for the daily.

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mw3 zombies toxic damage explained
MW3 Zombies Toxic Damage Explained

What is Toxic Damage in MW3 Zombies?

The main problem with the Toxic Damage in MW3 Zombies, or MWZ, is that the game does a terrible job of communicating what it is. Well, there are a few ways you can deal Toxic Damage. One is to down an Elemental Pop Soda. That gives each of your bullets a chance to apply a random effect. That’s a crapshoot at best. Another option is Experimental Gas. However, the damage it does over time is really low. If you need to get 30 kills with toxic damage for the daily, or get 250 Toxic Damage kills with the TAQ-56 for the Camo Unlock challenge, it’s not gonna cut the mustard.

No, what you need to deal Toxic Damage effectively is the Brain Rot Ammo Mod. You can get it in Aether Caches found inside Aether Nests (the places where you pop the yellow cysts), in Reward Rifts after you finish Contracts, and sometimes in Mercenary Strongholds. Okay, once you have and attach the Brain Rot ammo mod, what then?

How to Get Kills with Toxic Damage?

To get kills with Toxic Damage in MW3 Zobmies, or MWZ, you first need to apply the Brain Rot ammo mod. After that, shoot a zombie with it. This causes the zombie to start attacking and killing other zombies until it dies some thirty seconds later. Every kill your zombie thrall scores counts towards your Toxic Damage kill count, plus its own death. So, this is going to take some tactical thinking. You want to have as many zombies around you so that the ones you turn into your “friends” have as much fodder as they can. Good luck out there!

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.