US Embassy Key Location DMZ Warzone 2

Figuring out where to find the Warzone 2 DMZ US Embassy Key location is a pretty difficult task. The item is annoyingly rare, so there’s no way to say where it will be with any degree of certainty. Not to mention the fact that, once you do manage to obtain the key by hook or by crook, you still have to find the embassy itself. That’s why, in this guide, we will show you both how to get the US Embassy Key in Warzone 2 and where to find the building.

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warzone 2 dmz us embassy key location
Warzone 2 DMZ US Embassy Key Location

How to Get US Embassy Key in Warzone 2 DMZ

To get the US Embassy Key in Warzone 2 DMZ, you need to find its location. This is the main crux of the problem, because it’s basically random chance. It can sometimes drop from enemies. It can also pop out of the many, many different containers scattered all over the map. However, the drop rates of the key are exceedingly low. So, your best bet is to go to Buy Stations and hope that you’ll find it in one of them.

Our problems don’t stop here. Buy Stations are also all over the place; just follow the shopping cart icons on the map. That’s not the issue. No, it’s the fact that what the Buy Stations sell is always randomized, and not all of them offer the same wares. On top of that, the key costs thirty thousand bucks, and good luck on grinding those out solo. When you do finally manage to get the Warzone 2 DMZ US Embassy Key, exfil immediately and bring it on your next raid. Side note: if the key isn’t appearing in Buy Stations, you might need to do more faction missions.

how to get us embassy key in warzone 2 dmz
We got the key from the airport Buy Station

Where to Find US Embassy Warzone 2 DMZ

Now that we know how to get the US Embassy key in Warzone 2 DMZ, it’s time to find out where to find the embassy itself. It is pretty much in the dead center of Al-Mazrah City. It’s a fairly large building, and it even has a ginormous American flag draped over the side. I mean, you really can’t miss it. However, depending on your situation, you probably won’t have much time to go looking for it, conspicuous though it may be. That’s why we’ll show you exactly where it is in the screenshots below. Good luck out there, that’s all I can say.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.