DMZ Yum Yum Burger Back Room Key Location Warzone 2
Since CoD Warzone 2 is a very large game, there are many places in the DMZ you can discover. For example, during the course of the game, you can receive an item called the Yum Yum Burger Back Room Key. It’s very obvious what this is supposed to unlock, but where can you find the Yum Yum Burger itself? In this guide we’ll save you the time and effort of having to run all over the map looking for this and trying to unlock every closed door you see. We’re going to show you the exact unlock location where the DMZ Yum Yum Burger Back Room Key can be used in Warzone 2.

Where to Find Yum Yum Burger Back Room DMZ Warzone 2
The Yum Yum Burger Back Room is, naturally, a part of the Yum Yum Burger. So, once you have the key in your possession, what you then want to do is to head to Al-Mazrah City. Once there, make your way to the middle of the town. The place you are looking for is across the street from the US Embassy there. Since the Embassy is marked on your map, it can serve as a good landmark to help guide where you need to go.
The building you are looking for has a large Globe Pizza sign on it. In fact, the Yum Yum Burger Back is in the same building. Depending on which entrance you get inside, you will either first see the Globe Pizza stand, or the Yum Yum Burger counter. We have marked the exact location in our gallery below. The door that you want is directly behind the counter, you can’t miss it. All that’s left is to walk up to it and use the Yum Yum Burger Back Room Key to unlock it.