How to Get Loadout in Warzone 2

As every Warzone player knows, your Loadout is one of the most important things in the entire game. After all, this includes your weapons, gear, and perks, meaning that it has a massive effect on your gameplay. However, this system has changed a bit from how it worked in Warzone 1. To get you up to speed, we’re going to explain how to get your Loadout in Warzone 2 right here in our in-depth guide. Let’s get right into it.

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How to Get Loadout in Warzone 2
How to Get Loadout in Warzone 2

How to Get Loadout in CoD Warzone 2

To begin with, let’s see what a Loadout entails in Warzone 2. It consists of the following: Primary and Secondary Weapon, Lethal and Tactical Equipment, and a Perk Package (a premade set made up of MW2 Base, Bonus, and Ultimate Perks). The biggest difference is that you won’t be able to buy your entire Loadout in Warzone 2 like you were able to in Warzone 1. Instead, you can now only buy Primary Weapons. These cost $5000 and you can purchase them from Buy Station. Another change is that these Buy Stations now have just the Custom Primary Weapons from your Loadouts.

Apart from this, you can also get Loadouts via Loadout Drops. These Drops can arrive anytime between the second and sixth circle collapses in the game. And if you want to earn Loadouts earlier, you can do so by clearing out Strongholds. These are available as soon as the first circle closes. Once you get there and disarm the bomb, you will get a Loadout as your prize. Of course, this is far from easy to do, as you will need to contend not just with the AI-controlled enemies, but also other enemy players. That said, you will get a new Loadout for every Stronghold that you manage to clear out.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.