Setup Camera Pointing at Underpass, Snapshot Enemies DMZ Warzone 2
Who’s Watching is a Tier 1 mission in CoD: Warzone 2. Like many missions in Warzone 2, it consists of three objectives that you need to do if you want to complete it. These are: to acquire a Tactical Camera, then setup this Tactical Camera pointing at the underpass in Rohan Oil, and finally to then snapshot 5 enemies in Rohan Oil using the camera. There are several things that you need to keep in mind when playing this mission, and we are going to go over each and every one of these in our Setup Camera Pointing at Underpass, Snapshot Enemies DMZ Warzone 2 guide.

Setup a Tactical Camera pointing at the Underpass in Rochan Oil DMZ Warzone 2
The first thing you should do is to make sure that the Tactical Camera is part of your loadout before you start the mission. This way, you’ll complete the first objective as soon as the mission begins. Next, what you have to do here is to make your way to the Rohan Oil underpass. We have marked this location in the screenshot gallery. This is the place where you need to setup the Tactical Camera itself. But note that you need to put it inside the underpass itself, and not over it. If you put it there, this won’t count towards completing this step of the mission.
Also, it’s very important that you are facing the right way when you throw the camera. Do it from the same direction as depicted in our screenshot. Finally, there’s also a chance that the game will bug out at this step. Several players have reported that, regardless of doing this correctly, the game refused to mark this step as complete. If this has also happened to you, there’s nothing else to do but restart the mission and hope that it will work as intended this time.
Snapshot 5 enemies in Rochan Oil with a Tactical Camera DMZ Warzone 2
The best way to do this is by playing with a squad mate that is taking on the same mission. Your friend can get the enemies’ attention and draw them out, while you take their snapshots (or vice-versa), and quickly do this part of the mission like that.