Destiny Xur Location and items December 26th

In case you’re waiting for Xur this December 26th, we got you covered. It’s the last time this year that you’ll meet the Strange Coin vendor Xur, and exchange all Strange Coins and Motes of Light for Exotic weapons and armor.
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In addition to a brand new exotic items, Xur will also have upgraded versions of six Exotic armor pieces and six Exotic weapons. As always, Xur arrives in the Tower at a random location and remains there from 9AM GMT on Friday until 9am GMT on Sunday.

Xur Location

He’s near the Vanguards.

Exotic Items

Titan: The Armamentarium, Hunter: Achlyophage Symbiote, Warlock: Claws of Ahamkara, No Land Beyond.


Items: Hunter Alpha Lupi: Str: 136/146, Young Ahamkaras Spine: Disc: 81/87, Helm of Saint 14: Int 108/116, Helm of Inmost Light: Str 100/107, Heart of praxic fire: Disc 127/137, Sunbreakers: Int 84/90,

Weapons: Suros Regime, Red Death, Last Word, Thunderlord, Super Good Advice, Ballerhorn, Hawkmoon

You can check out his arrival and departure time for different zones in the table below.
Time ZoneArrivalDeparture
PDTFriday, 2:00 AMSunday, 2:00 AM
EDTFriday, 5:00 AMSunday, 5:00 AM
GMTFriday, 9:00 AMSunday, 9:00 AM
CETFriday, 10:00 AMSunday, 10:00 AM