Devil May Cry Mission 4: Underwatch contains 8 Lost Souls to be collected. It is one of the few missions that lets you collect all lost souls without using weapons or skills that are unlocked later in the game (so you have to come back and replay the mission in order to unlock all souls).
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Required ability/weapon: none
You will find this soul as soon as the level starts on a wall to the right, after the initial passageway.
If facing your starting point the soul is on the wall to the left
Required ability/weapon: Demon pull
You will see this soul up on a building at an intersection. Go left, use your demon pull to jump up onto a platform. Once near the lost soul jump up and set it free.
Lost soul is up there
Use Demon Pull
Jump up a few platforms
Jump up and a bit to the left
Required ability/weapon: none
When you get rid of the eye/camera you will get to a chasm and there is a small passageway to your left. Up the passageway is a star and opposite of it, on the wall, is the lost soul.
Once you reach the area with a fountain in the middle you will see two lost souls up on the buildings around you. Using some skilled jumping, your grappling hook and Angel Boost you will get to them easy. P.S. The roof you jump to leads to the Argent Key.
From the fountain Angel Boost and Lift to that building over there
Fromm the roof here to your right is the lost soul and straight is the Argent Key
Jump and Angel Boost to the lost soul to your right
Mid flight release the soul
Required ability/weapon: Angel Boost
From the same fountain jump to your left to release another lost soul.
Required ability/weapon: Angel Boost, Angel Lift
This lost soul is close to where you need to destroy two eye security cameras. At the intersection with the eyes go right and Angel Lift yourself to a platform. You will see this lost soul there.
Intersection with eye cameras
Go right and you will see grappling hook point
Angel Lift to that platform
The soul is right in front
Angel Bosst yourself
And release the soul mid air
Required ability/weapon: Demon Pull
At the intersection with two eye/cameras go left this time. You should have killed the right camera, while you were collecting the previous soul. This will unlock a cutscene in an alleyway that will make it possible for you to Demon Pull some platforms and climb to where you can reach two lost souls.
Go into the alleyway to the left
watch the cutscene
Demon pull the stairs
Demon pull the platforms to get to the roof with the red door on the other side
Opposite of the red door is one lost soul on the building wall
Required ability/weapon: Demon Pull
The last lost soul is behind the red demon door/wall on the roof you already reached getting the previous lost soul. Destroy the wall with your Arbiter and the soul is right there.
Follow the instructions for the previous soul to get here