The Division Getting Massive Update 1.6 - New Difficulty Level
Tom Clancy’s: The Division will be getting a huge update soon. Update 1.6 will be available for free, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. There’s a lot happening here. There’s gonna be new Dark Zone areas, new gear sets, economy changing and more, including a new difficulty level. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so let’s dive right in.

New Dark Zone Areas & Leaderboards
- The Dark Zone has been expanded with three new areas, Dark Zone 7-9, north of Dark Zone 6 and Midtown East.
- New Landmarks feature waves of enemies.
- Landmarks award you with additional loot placed directly into your inventory.
- Fast travel between Dark Zone checkpoints has become available.
- Leaderboards have been added to the Dark Zone, tracking a wide range of different activities both in PvP and PvE. All tracked activities will be turned into a total score.
- Leaderboard rankings are divided into three tiers and will give out rewards when they reset on a weekly and a monthly basis.
The Division Legendary Difficulty
- Legendary difficulty mode has been added to Times Square, WarrenGate Power Plant and Napalm Production Site and features new, powerful and smart enemies.
- Legendary difficulty is the most challenging content in the game and is intended for organized groups.
- Legendary difficulty rewards you with unique vanity items not available elsewhere in the game, on top of the regular rewards.
Exotic Items, New Gear Set & Gear Set Changes
- Named gear pieces and weapons are now called Exotics and have been given their own color in your inventory.
- Exotic weapons all have their own unique talent. This change is retroactive.
- Exotic weapon sets have been introduced.
- Exotic Caches are available as a weekly reward from Legendary difficulty missions.
- Alphabridge 4-piece bonus now shares the free talent from your weapons instead of all three.
- Frontline’s 4-piece no longer removes the critical hit chance, instead it removes the effect of any mods you have applied to the shield.
- The Reclaimer set focuses on the Support Station. Its 4-piece bonus activates all Support Station mods simultaneously. It no longer has an effect on consumables.
- Tactician’s Authority’s buff only disappears after you use a skill.
- A new Gear Set, SEEKR, has been added to the game.
PvP Balancing in The Division
- Hip fire stability while moving has been decreased and a new hip fire camera has been added.
- The damage gap between body damage and headshots has been lowered.
- When combat rolling, there’s now a one second delay before you can roll again.
- You can no longer reload your weapon while sprinting.
- Medkits can now be used at full health and remove certain status effects.
- The Rejuvenated talent has been changed to give additional resistance to status effects.
- Adrenaline no longer gives an overheal from medkits, instead it will give a heal over time.
- Your enemy’s health bar will flash whenever they use a medkit.
- Survivability talents like On the Move, Battle Buddy and Critical Save have seen some balancing changes.
Economy Changes and In-Game Store
- Unlimited recalibration has been introduced. The price increases each time, capping out at five recalibrations.
- Helping civilians reward Intel.
- High End pistols in Survival no longer costs Division Tech.
- Scavenger Box now scales with World Tier.
- Some item prices have been tweaked.
- The in-game store has been revamped, adding a new currency and extending the range of items available for purchase at a special vendor – including new emotes, weapon skins and other vanity items.