Far Cry 6 Free Weekend, Connection to Ubisoft Services Interrupted

The Far Cry 6 free weekend start time and the Connection to Ubisoft Services Interrupted error message are actually very much connected, which is why we’ve put them together into one guide. We’ll begin with telling you when the free weekend starts, and then we’ll discuss why you might be encountering the error. Let’s go!

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far cry 6 free weekend connection to ubisoft services interrupted
Far Cry 6 Free Weekend, Connection to Ubisoft Services Interrupted

Far Cry 6 Free Weekend Start Time

The start time of the Far Cry 6 free weekend is 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET / 7 PM CET on August 4 and will last till August 7 across all platforms. Well, in some time zones it’s gonna be August 5th, to be fair. For example, the event will start at 5 AM on the 5th in Australia. Oh, the vagaries of time zones, am I right? Anyway, if you’re planning on taking part in the free weekend and suss out whether you’d like the game or not, that’s when you’ll be able to do so. If you try too early, you’ll be met with an error message, and that segues us elegantly into our next section.

Your Connection to Ubisoft Services Has Been Interrupted

Due to a huge number of players, servers are overloaded and some of them are also down. This is the main reason why players are currently getting the error – Connection to Ubisoft Services Interrupted.

If you get the Your Connection to Ubisoft Services Has Been Interrupted error message while trying to play the Far Cry 6 free weekend, it’s because it hasn’t begun yet. There seems to be a number of people that aren’t familiar with the concept of pre-loading. Yes, you can download the game earlier, but that doesn’t mean that you can start playing them immediately. No, you have to wait for the free weekend to actually kick off first. Hold your horses. On the other hand, if you encounter this error after the event starts, that’s a different matter. If restarting the game doesn’t help, you might have to contact support to see if they can help. However, patience and trying again will probably work.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.