Coral Buddies Nuclear Age Secret Challenge Location in Fortnite

Fortnite Coral Buddies Nuclear Age secret challenge is a new secret quest that you can find and complete for the Coral Buddies. There are two possible stumbling blocks in figuring out how to complete the new Coral Buddies secret challenge. Namely, you have to figure out where to find the Nuclear Age secret challenge, and then, what you have to do to finish it. That’s exactly what we’ll be showing you in our Coral Buddies Nuclear Age Secret Challenge Location in Fortnite guide.

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coral buddies nuclear age secret challenge location in fortnite
Coral Buddies Nuclear Age Secret Challenge Location in Fortnite

Where to Find Fortnite Coral Buddies Secret Challenge – Nuclear Age

To find the Coral Buddies Nuclear Age secret challenge in Fortnite, head to the north of quadrant B1. Up there, you’ll find two tiny islands. Our goal is the southern one. In the middle of that island, you’ll find something that looks like a small box on an elevated platform. That is your goal. However, once you approach it, nothing happens. Well, that’s because you’re missing the key element, namely, a nuclear container. Fortunately, there’s one right nearby. That brings us to our next point – where does one find that container?

How to Complete Secret Challenge Coral Buddies Nuclear Age in Fortnite?

To compete the Coral Buddies Nuclear Age secret challenge in Fortnite, you have to find a nuclear container. If you look to the east of the islet we described above, you’ll spot a large boulder jutting out of the water. And, upon closer inspection, you’ll see something next to it. As it turns out, that’s where the nuclear container is. So, pick it up, and take it back to the little box. Stand back, and watch the fireworks.

The Coral Buddies Nuclear Age secret challenge is only one part of the new Fortnite Joyride update. There’s a ton of new content there that you might need help for. So, we’ve written several guides on the subject for you to check out. For example, we’ve got How to Refuel Cars – Gas Cans, Gas Stations, Coral Buddies Reach for the Stars Secret Quest Location, and Car Locations in Fortnite – Small, Medium, Large, Truck, Taxi.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.