Fortnite Rubber Ducks in Retail Row, Pleasant Park and Believer Beach

Place Rubber Ducks in Retail Row, Pleasant Park and Believer Beach in Fortnite is one of the missions you’ll have to complete in Season 7 Chapter 2, Invasion. The task is to go to three locations in each of the named places and put a rubber ducky in each of them. The main issue is to figure out where to put the rubber ducks. That’s what we’ll be showing you in our Fortnite Rubber Ducks in Retail Row, Pleasant Park and Believer Beach guide.

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fortnite rubber ducks in retail row pleasant park and believer beach
Fortnite Rubber Ducks in Retail Row, Pleasant Park and Believer Beach

Where to Place Rubber Ducks in Fortnite Retail Row, Pleasant Park, Believer Beach

To place the Fortnite Rubber Ducks in Retail Row, Pleasant Park, and Believer Beach, you have to visit a specific location in all three named places. First off, Retail Row. The rubber duck place is in the corner of the fenced basketball court, next to the parked bus. It’s fairly easy to find.

retail row rubber duck location fortnite
Retail Row rubber duck placement location

Next up, Pleasant Park. To place the rubber duck there, go to the northeast of the area and find the large gas station. The ducky spot is going to be next to one of the gas pumps. Try to solve this one immediately after dropping in, because there’s a lot of empty space that would leave you open to punishment. Though, to be fair, that’s true about all three of these.

where to find pleasant park fortnite rubber duck
Pleasant Park rubber duck placement location

Last but not least, Believer Beach. Your target here is the large, rectangular pool in the northeast of the area. The ducky should be placed next to the steps leading into the pool. Again, not too difficult to spot, but you will be in the open. Put the duck down and get out of there as soon as you can. And there we go, that’s where you place the Retail Row, Pleasant Park and Believer Beach Fortnite rubber ducks locations.

believer beach rubber duck location fortnite
Believer Beach rubber duck placement location
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.