Fortnite BR Still a Black Hole, Hours After The End Event
Those of you that are curious about what’s been happening with Fortnite, rest easy, you seem to have missed absolutely nothing. It’s still just a yawning black hole. As far as I can tell, the music might have changed a little bit, but nothing other than that. No more secret messages, no nothing. But you can play a minigame, if you enter the Konami code, so that’s cool, I guess.

At the time of writing, it’s been some fifteen or so hours since the cataclysmic event, appropriately named The End, rent the Fornite map asunder, leaving nothing but a black hole in its stead. The event initially created a ton of hype for what the second chapter of Fortnite Battle Royale had in store. And then hours started passing, and nothing continues to happen. Now, the tide has started to turn, and people are starting to get mad. I guess I can understand the sentiment, seeing as how Epic has given not even a shred of a hint of what’s to come, and all avenues of communication are quite literally dead silent.
To make matters worse, players are slowly reaching a consensus that Season 11, Chapter 2 of Fortnite won’t start until Tuesday. True, as Dot Esports has reported, some data miners have found traces of potential events. One of them, Kevin Says Hello, has apparently just ended, and nothing seems to have changed, other than perhaps the music is now slightly different. The other one, Survey BR Nick, should start soon, and last until November 6th. Again, nothing seems to have changed with the black hole. We’ll keep you posted if anything does come up.
So, what is one to do to while away the time? Well, you can follow the stream below, waiting for something to happen, while you go do something else. It’s not like there’s much going on. Alternatively, in-game, you can type in the Konami code in the black hole screen and play a little shoot-em-up minigame. Or, you know, just go about your day. Don’t let the FOMO get to you.