Elegy for the End & Alley Flash Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation Wish Event

The Epitome Invocation wish event in Genshin Impact is coming soon, and it will feature two event-exclusive weapons – Elegy for the End and Alley Flash. During the event, these weapons, along with a couple of others, will have higher chances of dropping from wishes. We’re gonna discuss it the details of the happening further in our Elegy for the End & Alley Flash Genshin Impact – Epitome Invocation Wish Event guide.

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elegy for the end & alley flash genshin impact epitome invocation wish event
Elegy for the End & Alley Flash Genshin Impact – Epitome Invocation Wish Event

Epitome Invocation Genshin Impact Wish Event – Elegy for the End & Alley Flash

The Genshin Impact Epitome Invocation wish event will give you a chance to get the Elegy for the End and Alley Flash weapons more easily. By that, I mean that their drop rates will go up by a lot while the wish event is going on. These are not the only weapons that will be dropping more often, mind you, but these two are event-exclusive. Reminder: Elegy for the end is a five-star bow, and Alley Flash is a four-star sword. Since they’re event-exclusive, consider giving them priority, if you want them at all.

As for which other weapons are going to have their drop rates increased during the Epitome Invocation wish event, well, let’s go through them. There’s the Skyward Blade, a five-star Sword. Then, there’s several other four-star weapons, too. Namely, the official announcement lists the Wine and Song (Catalyst), Favonius Greatsword (Claymore), Favonius Warbow (Bow), and Dragon’s Bane (Polearm). Just keep in mind that these weapons are not event-exclusive; however, if you’ve been eyeing them, then this is the ideal time to hopefully grab them.

Now for some details of the event itself. It will start after the Version 1.4 update drops, and wrap up on April 6th, at 15:59:59 (presumably server time). So, if you’re gunning for any of the weapons that we’ve listed above, this is the ideal time to start gathering wishes. The Epitome Invocation wish event in Genshin Impact is the best time to get Elegy for the End and Alley Flash, as well as the rest of them.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.