Genshin Impact No Space Left in Inventory - Inventory Full

No Space Left in Inventory is a warning message telling Genshin players that they’re inventory is full. This happens when you’re trying to craft Hot Pods, Floaty Sploadies or Straight Shooters. But why does it happen, and what can you do about it? Well, the solution is actually pretty simple – don’t craft as many at the same time. We’ll explain all you need to know in more detail in our Genshin Impact No Space Left in Inventory – Inventory Full guide.

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genshin impact no space left in inventory inventory full
Genshin Impact No Space Left in Inventory – Inventory Full

Genshin Impact Inventory Full – No Space Left in Inventory

You get the No Space Left in Inventory in Genshin Impact when you try to craft too many Hot Pods, Floaty Sploadies or Straight Shooters at once, and the game will tell you that your inventory is full. See, when you craft one of these things, you actually get a bundle of twenty. So, if you move the slider to, like, ten, that actually means 200 bombs. You simply don’t have enough pockets to house all of those explosives, no matter how many swords and other weapons you’re lugging along. Don’t think about it too hard, it’s video game logic.

So, when you’re crafting Hot Pods, Floaty Sploadies and/or Straight Shooters, don’t go nuts with it. Craft only one or two bundles at a time. Repeat the process until the game stops you with the “full inventory” notification. Or, just craft one bunch of each and make them count. They do a ton of damage; you probably won’t need that many if you’re playing with any degree of skill. That way, you’ll never see the No Space Left in Inventory Genshin Impact message. Moral of the story is “don’t be greedy,” I guess.

So, that’s how you avoid the message telling you your inventory is full in Genshin Impact. If you’re having any trouble with other stuff in the Midsummer event, check out some of our other guides on the subject. Among other stuff, we’ve written articles like Mini Harpastum – Dodoco Tales and How to Use Fragments of Innocence.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.