Genshin Impact Share Not Your Treasure Location

Share Not Your Treasure in Genshin Impact is a side quest that you can complete in the game, and that rewards you with a Precious Chest at the end. However, the Genshin Impact Share Not Your Treasure quest doesn’t show you where to find the treasure at the very end of the quest. It does tell you to go to thehighest peak in Cuijue Slope, but doesn’t mark it on the map for you. If you’re having trouble completing this quest, then our Genshin Impact Share Not Your Treasure Location guide is the right place for you.

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genshin impact share not your treasure location
Genshin Impact Share Not Your Treasure Location

Where to Find Share Not Your Treasure Location in Genshin Impact?

To find the treasure at the end of the Share Not Your Treasure side quest in Genshin Impact, you have to climb to the highest peak in Cuijue Slope. That’s the mountain between Cuijue Slope and Luhua Pool, but we’ll get back to that in a second. The first step in the Share Not Your Treasure quest is to go to the south of the ruins in the south of Guili Plains. There’s a ton of rubble there that you can blow up by hitting the red barrel with a fire arrow. Then, kill the “automaton” to lift the gate. Head downstairs, loot everything, and read the Worn Letter on the stone pedestal.

where to find share not your treasure quest genshin impact
Read the Worn Letter under the rubble

The Worn Letter lets you know exactly where to go and what to do, even marking the location in the east of Luhua Pool. Just follow the marker, and you’ll be fine. Once you light the bonfire (use a Fire attack), a bunch of enemies will ambush you. Defeat them, and some Scribbled Notes will appear in the corner of the ruins. This is your final clue.

share not your treasure location genshin impact
Read the Scribbled notes after defeating the enemies

As we’ve already mentioned, you now have to reach the highest peak in Cuijue Slope. It doesn’t mark the location for you, but that’s fine, because we have. Just take a gander at the image below. It will be a long climb, so keep your eye on that Stamina gauge and be sure to have some Stamina food on you. When you reach the top, approach the shovel and press Mine when prompted. Open and loot your Precious Chest, and you’re done!

treasure location genshin impact share not your treasure quest where to find
Climb the highest peak in Cuijue Slope and mine the treasure
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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.