Genshin Impact Through the Predawn Night, Talk to Candace in Liyue Bug Fix

In our Genshin Impact Through the Predawn Night, Talk to Candace in Liyue Bug Fix guide, we are going to show you how to work around this glitch. What happens is, Candace suddenly gets teleported all the way to Liyue. Once you travel there, you see that she is somehow deep underground. This is not how the quest is supposed to go. Here’s what you can do to remedy this issue.

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genshin impact through the predawn night talk to candace in liyue bug fix
Genshin Impact Through the Predawn Night, Talk to Candace in Liyue Bug Fix

How to Fix Through the Predawn Night Bug, Talk to Candace in Liyue in Genshin Impact

There are several ways to fix the bug in the Through the Predawn Night quest in Genshin Impact, the one where you have to talk to Candace in Liyue after you enter the village chief’s house. The first thing you should try is to restart the game. This resets the quest and will therefore hopefully bring Candace back to the surface. If that doesn’t work, then restart the game again. However, as soon as you’re in, fast-forward the clock to two days later. After that, go into the tavern and meet with Alhaitham and the others. Doing so should prevent the bug from triggering. You might have to repeat the process more than once, unfortunately.

And those are the ways to fix the Through the Predawn Night bug in Genshin Impact where you suddenly need to talk to Candace in Liyue. If you know of any other fixes, let us know in the comments below. Obviously, we hope that the developers will patch the glitch out as soon as possible, because it’s a pretty bad one. It completely locks you out of the quest. Candace is not at all supposed to appear in Liyue, by the way, let alone three hundred meters underground. No, there is no secret underground chamber or tunnel where you can meet her. The glitch would be kinda funny if it didn’t block your progress.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.