God of War Ragnarok PS4 to PS5 Upgrade Explained

Like many games, God of War Ragnarok is releasing on both current and next-gen devices. Being a PlayStation exclusive (at least for now), this means that GoW Ragnarok is available to play on the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5. Needless to say, the PS5 version of the game comes with all of the graphically advanced bells and whistles and looks absolutely fantastic. That isn’t to say that the PS4 version looks bad, only that it is showing its age and can’t handle all of the visual advancements that have been made since it was released almost a decade ago. But is there a God of War Ragnarok free PS5 upgrade? In this God of War Ragnarok PS4 to PS5 Upgrade Explained guide, we’re going to answer this.

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God of War Ragnarok PS4 to PS5 Upgrade Explained
God of War Ragnarok PS4 to PS5 Upgrade Explained

How to Upgrade God of War Ragnarok to PS5

So does God of war Ragnarok have a free PS5 upgrade? Unfortunately, no, you won’t be able to upgrade GoW Ragnarok from PS4 to PS5 for free. This “tradition” was started with the release of Horizon Forbidden West. Since then, all Sony exclusives charge for the next-gen update. Once you have purchased a PS4 copy of the game, you will then also need to purchase the next-gen upgrade as well. This costs $10. Once you have paid that extra fee, you will then have God of War Ragnarok for both the current and next-gen devices. Of course, this applies only to the standard PS4 edition, which costs $59.99.

If you have bought – or are planning to buy – the PS5 standard edition of the game, this costs $69.99, though it also comes with both the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game. So all in all, if you want to have the next-gen update, you’re going to need to pay $10 more for it.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.