Complete the Quote from Mulan "Blooms in Diversity is the Most Rare & Beautiful of All"

In our Complete the Quote from Mulan “Blooms in Diversity is the Most Rare & Beautiful of All” guide, we are going to give you the correct answer between Flower, Tree, Blossom and Person. The quote is from the animated film, not the god-awful live-action remake. Let’s get right into it!

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complete the quote from mulan blooms in diversity is the most rare & beautiful of all
Complete the Quote from Mulan “Blooms in Diversity is the Most Rare & Beautiful of All” (image credit: Disney)

Complete the Quote from Mulan “Blooms in Diversity is the Most Rare & Beautiful of All”

The quote you need to complete from Mulan (1998) for the Disney 100 TikTok quiz goes like this: “The (blank) that blooms in diversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” This happens right after Mulan’s disastrous visit to the matchmaker, while she sits in the garden in shame. Her father comes in to console her and says this sentence. Just after that, the imperial soldiers come in to summon Fa Zhou to the army, and you probably know what happens from there. But what is the missing word in the quote? It’s “flower.” The flower that blooms in diversity. Incidentally, the screenshot above is from that scene, I’m pretty sure.

  • Flower
  • Tree
  • Blossom
  • Person

And there you go, that’s how you complete the quote from Mulan in the Disney 100 TikTok quiz, the quite which mentions something that “blooms in diversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” If you want to read more about the other aspects of the quiz and the other features, you can check out the official Newsroom post or our other guides, like How to Set Disney Profile Frame on TikTok and many more. And as for the line itself, as I’m sure many of you have gathered, it basically foreshadows the rest of the movie. Mulan is the ultimate flower that blooms in diversity, beginning with climbing the pole using the weights and ending with exploding Shan-Yu.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.