Forza Horizon 5 Money Glitch
If you have read our FH5 Willys Jeep exploit guide, then you already know how this functions. Basically, you purchase this inexpensive model and fully upgrade it so that you can get the Super Wheelspin reward. Each of these gives you a much more worthwhile reward, relative to the cheap cost of the jeep. And while this can be classified as an exploit, meaning that this isn’t something that the developers considered would be exploitable, the Forza Horizon 5 Money Glitch which we’ll discuss in this guide is definitely an unintended bug. As such, it is very probable that it will be patched our very soon, so if you want to make use of it, you should do it while you still can.

FH5 Money Glitch
To perform this infinite barrel roll glitch, first, find a suitable location for it on the map. You need a straight road where you can build enough acceleration. There is a great spot in the south end of the map, we’ve marked this location on the screenshot below. Once there, go into the Creative Hub tab. Select the Horizon Super 7, then “Create Challenge Card”, followed by “Set Route”. Go into the Blueprint Builder and construct a ramp here. Back up from it so that you can get some nice speed going. Jump from it and then, at the exact moment when your car has rolled a 180 in the air, press the Blueprint Builder button to pause this.
After that, go back out of the Blueprint Builder mode and click the rewind button while you are still flying through the air. Click resume. You will see that your car is frozen in the air. A couple of seconds after that, you will start getting a wild bonus for the barrel roll. Once you have reached the number you are satisfied with, enter the Blueprint Builder one last time. Like before, go back and wait until the car has safely landed. You can then rewind and repeat the entire process again until you have enough skillpoints. After that, you can use them to purchase Willys Jeep for the Willys Jeep Exploit.