How to Get Glider in Lego Fortnite

Lego Fortnite is a new and exciting way to play Fortnite. Combining Legos with a survival sandbox mode, it focuses on crafting and fending off the many monsters that roam this area. Of course, there are many tools at your disposal that will make your playthrough a lot more easier and enjoyable. One of these is the classic open-world staple – the good old glider. Using this will – naturally – allow you to quickly cover vast distances on the map. But before you can use, you first need to make it. Here’s how to get the Glider in Lego Fortnite.

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How to Get Glider in Lego Fortnite
How to Get Glider in Lego Fortnite

How to Craft a Glider in Lego Fortnite

The Glider is a Rare-type Equipment and its description states that with it you can: “Use to glide through the skies from high place.” But to be able to use it like this, you will first have to figure out how to unlock the Glider. So let’s see what this entails. First of all, you have to upgrade your Crafting Bench so that it is capable of crafting Rare items. Once you have done that, you can then proceed to gather all of the ingredients needed to craft it. Speaking of which, the Glider needs the following ingredients: x8 Flexwood Rod, x4 Wool Fabric, and x6 Silk Fabric.

Let’s begin with the Flexwood Rod. Head for the Desert biome, and go there with a Level 3 Axe. You need to cut down Cactii which drop Flexwood. Pick it up and take it to your Lumber Mill to convert it into Flexwood Rods. Now, the Wool Fabric. Just like in real life, you get it from sheep. Go to the Grassland biome and look for sheep there. Approach them and pet them. This will cause them to drop wool. Then go back to your base and put this wool in the Spinning Wheel. Convert it into Wool Thread (this process takes a while). With your Wool Thread, take it to the Loom to create Wool Fabric. You’re going to need quite a lot of Wool to create the Wool Fabric, and this step will probably take up most of your time here.

And finally, the Silk Fabric. Find a cave (it’s also in the Grassland biome) and venture inside. Defeat the spiders there – these drop Silk. Also open chests in the cave, as they can also hold Silk. Once again go back to your base and use the Spinning Wheel to make Silk Thread. And then, take it to the Loom to create Silk Fabric. And after that, all that’s left is to take all of these ingredients and to craft the Glider at your Workbench.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.