King Henry VIII Challenge - BitLife

The new King Henry VIII challenge in BitLife is all about – naturally – the (in)famous English monarch and emulating the circumstances of his life. Though arguably much better known for his love life and the tragic fates of many of his wives, Henry VIII has undoubtedly left a gigantic mark on the history of the world, and England in particular. Our King Henry VIII Challenge – BitLife guide will explain everything you need to do, step by step, in order to successfully complete this challenge.

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King Henry VIII Challenge - BitLife

How to Complete the King Henry VIII Challenge in BitLife

There are five steps that you will need to complete before you can finish this challenge. These are, in order:

  • Step #1: Become the King of England.
  • Step #2: Marry more than six wives.
  • Step #3: Have a child with every one of your wives.
  • Step #4: Have a son with your sixth wife.
  • Step #5: Execute all of your former wives.

Of course, these come with their own prerequisites. So, to fulfill the first step, you will first need to have a male character who is a member of the Royal Family of England. If that is the case, work your way up the royal ladder and ascend the throne once the old monarch is dead (you can have a hand in this, of course). Next, you will need to marry at least six times during your lifetime. Before divorcing each wife, be sure to have at least one child with her first. These children can be of either gender. However, when it comes to the sixth wife, the child will specifically need to be male. Finally, the gruesome part. Once you have completed all of these steps, you will need to execute all of your former wives. After that, you will have officially completed the King Henry VIII challenge – BitLife.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.