MK1 Spicy Ketchup Klue Solution

In our MK1 Spicy Ketchup Klue Solution guide, we are going to explain how to solve the Spicy Ketchup Klue in Mortal Kombat 1. This is one of the riddles you’ll have to solve in Invasion, and it’s definitely one of the trickier ones. Don’t worry, though, we’ll explain exactly what to do in this guide, step by step.

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mk1 spicy ketchup klue solution
MK1 Spicy Ketchup Klue Solution

How to Solve Spicy Ketchup Klue in MK1

To solve the Spicy Ketchup Klue in MK1 or Mortal Kombat 1, consider who you will be fighting. It’s Reptile, and as we all well know, his bodily fluids are highly acidic. So, Spicy Ketchup basically means – turn Reptile into a pile of goo. Now, there might be more than one way to skin this cat, but the recommended way is to use Sektor’s Kameo Brutality named Fire and Forget. You have to get your Mastery with Sektor up to level 2 in order to unlock it first. After you do that, make sure that the final hit you deliver in the fight is a forward throw (Forward + LB / L1) and as the throw is being done, hit Down twice. That last bit is crucial to complete the challenge.

By the way, the Spicy Ketchup Klue appears on a tile called In The Dark. That’s in the Living Forest map, as you explore the cliffs. In my head cannon, that’s where the infamous Sonya/Jarek/Jax cinematic from MK4 happens.

MK1 Spicy Ketchup Klue Rewards

The rewards you get for figuring out the MK1 Spicy Ketchup Klue solution appears in a nearby chest. It’ll appear immediately to the left of the In The Dark tile. You can’t miss it. Check out the list below to see all the stuff you’ll get in the chest. Once more for the cheap seats in the back: use Sektor’s Fire and Forget Kameo Brutality, aka do a forward throw as the final attack, and be sure to hit Down twice as the throw plays out. Good luck!

  • Hyper Kritical Legendary Relic
  • Murderous Genius Common Shang Tsung Pallete
  • Blood Hunger Kitana Skin / Common Pallete
  • Five hundred Seasonal Kredits
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.