Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners Rewards

In our Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners Rewards guide, we are going to list all the rewards you can earn during the event. Then, we will explain how to earn the points or tokens you’ll need in order to get those rewards. Last, but not least, we’ll discuss whether there are any Free Dice links connected to the Thanksgiving event. Let’s begin!

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monopoly go thanksgiving partners rewards
Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners Rewards

Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners Rewards List

In the list below, we are going to show you all the different rewards you can earn in the Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners event. Once you figure out how to get around the whole Board 4 thing, but that’s besides the point. Keep in mind that, in order to win the Grand Prize, you have to complete all four Holiday Attractions.

  • First reward – 200 Dice
  • Second reward – Cash money
  • Third reward – Blue Vault (includes 300 Dice and 3-Star Pink Sticker Pack
  • Fourth reward – Pink Vault (includes 400 Dice and 4-Star Blue Sticker Pack)
  • Fifth reward – 500 Dice, 4-Star Blue Sticker Pack, money
  • Grand Prize – 5,000 Dice, Pumpkin Pie Token, 5-Star Galaxy / Gold Purple Sticker Pack

How to Earn Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners Points

So, those are the rewards you can earn in Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners, but how do you get the Points? These, by the way, are the oven mitts or oven gloves, whatever you want to call them. There are several ways you can earn them. First off, you’ll get a fair amount from just landing on spaces on the board. Also, the reward package you can get every eight hours from the shop will have some Oven Mitts in there while the event is going on. Also, scoring Quick Wins and playing in the tournament will get you a bunch of Oven Gloves as well. And, of course, there are the event milestones.

Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners Free Links

Okay, we’ve walked you through all the rewards you can earn in the Monopoly GO Thanksgiving Partners event and explained how to earn them, let’s talk about the Thanksgiving Partners free links. There are none. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t any new daily links; those roll out daily. Take a look at our Monopoly GO Free Dice Links guide to keep track of the latest links; we keep it updated daily. And if the developers do end up releasing Thanksgiving free links at a later point, we’ll be sure to put it in this section. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.