CRK Mozzarella Cookie Toppings

In our CRK Mozzarella Cookie Toppings guide, we are going to show you what we believe to be the best build and toppings for Mozzarella Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom and explain what her role is. Also, we will discuss whether the new cheesy cookie is actually any good. Let’s get right into it!

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crk mozzarella cookie toppings
CRK Mozzarella Cookie Toppings

Best Toppings for Mozzarella Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom

EDIT: Upon reflection, it seems that the best toppings for Mozzarella Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom would be either five Solid Almond to keep the character alive for longer, or five Searing Raspberry if you want to boost her attack instead. I don’t recommend mixing things up; it’s better to keep Mozzarella focused on one role. Original text follows.

Before we get to the best toppings for Mozzarella Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom or CRK, let’s analyze the trailer and see what we can glean. From the looks of things, Mozzarella will be an Epic, Magic cookie that stands in the middle of the party. Her special skill is to ring her bell, which seems to grant buffs to ally cookies. The bell also summons a giant mozzarella bird, which splats onto the ground creating a pool of cheese. The pool definitely slows enemies down (including their attacks) and might also provide other debuffs, we can’t be sure yet. So, with all of that said, which build should you go for Mozzarella Cookie? Personally, I feel like five Swift Chocolate is the way to go. However, we’ll only be able to say for sure after the cookie launches. We’ll update the guide if we change our mind.

Is Mozzarella Cookie Good?

Now that we’ve talked about the best toppings for Mozzarella Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom or CRK, and explained our build, is the new character actually any good? Well that’s difficult to say just yet. Again, we’ll have to wait and see once ole Mozz is finally playable. However, based solely on the trailer, she does seem like a potentially very useful support cookie. Now, of course, if you already have a buffer/debuffer you’re happy with, Mozzarella might not be an immediate priority. However, if you do end up pulling her at some point, I’d recommend giving her a chance. See if she works for you.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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