PGA 2K23 Release Date for Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, PC
If you want to know when the PGA Tour 2K23 Release Date for Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, PC is, you’ve come to the right place. We are going to show you when PGA Tour 2K23 is coming out, depending on which edition you’ve purchased. Also, we have some less-than-ideal news to deliver to golf fans that play on the Switch. So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

When is PGA Tour 2K23 Coming Out
UPDATE: The release date and time of the PGA Tour 2K23 early access have also been revealed. Those of you that pick up the Tiger Woods edition of the game will get to start on October 10th at midnight local time (at least, that’s the time on consoles). In the States, that’ll be 9 PM PT on October 9th. We don’t know the exact launch time on Steam just yet. Original text follows.
PGA Tour 2K23 is coming out in mid-October, but the exact release date will vary depending on which edition of the game you got on your platform; PC, Xbox, PlayStation and maybe, some day, the Switch. Yes, let’s get the bad news out of the way straight from the jump: there is no officially confirmed launch date for the Nintendo Switch. In fact, there’s been no mention of a Switch version at all. The previous game in the franchise, PGA Tour 2K21, came out on Nintendo’s console on the same day as it did on all other platforms. It was delayed in the EU, but only for about a month. So, yeah, that’s where we stand at time of writing. If anything changes, we’ll update the article.
As for the PGA Tour 2K23 release date on other platforms, aka Xbox, PlayStation and PC, it’s Friday, October 14th. Well, that’s for regular mortals that “only” purchase the standard edition of the game. That will cost you sixty bucks (or seventy, if you get the cross-gen version). On the other hand, those of you that purchase the the deluxe edition (an even hundred dollars) or the Tiger Woods edition (one hundred and twenty dollars), then you’ll be able to start playing on Tuesday, October 11th. Of course, each tier also grants you an increasing amount of bonus in-game items, such as cosmetics and VC. Whether it’s worth the money, well, that’s up to you to decide.