Project Mugetsu Codes January 2024

The January 2024 Project Mugetsu codes are up and running for you to redeem and get free rewards. These include things like free spins, temporary boosts of different types, and more. In this guide, we are going to give you a list of all active codes in Project Mugetsu and explain how to redeem them. If you want to explore the world of Bleach with your Soul, Shinigami, Hollow, or whatever and have a leg up on others, keep reading!

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project mugetsu codes january 2024
Project Mugetsu Codes January 2024

Codes for Project Mugetsu Roblox January 2024

UPDATE: There are still no January codes for Project Mugetsu, and it also seems like all the previously active ones have since expired. You can still give them a try, and let us know in the comments if they do actually work. Hopefully, there will be new codes soon. Original text follows.

There are four Roblox codes in January 2024 for Project Mugetsu, which may or may not be active at the moment. It’s kinda difficult to tell, but you should definitely give it a shot. They unlock some really useful stuff, and it’s not like the game will punish you for trying to redeem an expired code. Give them a shot, and let us know in the comments whether they’re working or not.

  • 140KLIKESBOOSTS – Redeem the code to get several different boosts for an hour and a half
  • 140KLIKESORBS – Redeem the code to get 15 Orbs
  • 140KLIKESREROLL – Redeem the code to get an Ability Reroll
  • 140KLIKESSPINS – Redeem the code to get 115 Spins

How to Redeem Project Mugetsu Codes

To redeem codes in Project Mugetsu in January 2024, and presumably in the future, you have to go through a few fairly simple steps. The first one is to, of course, open the game on your mobile device. Pick your character and save file and whatnot; basically go through the usual steps until you make it to the main menu. In the bottom left corner, you’ll see a text box in which you can enter the codes from the list above. So, do just that and click Redeem to complete the process. Obviously, you have to redeem the codes one by one.

What Are Project Mugetsu Codes

If you’re familiar with Roblox games, you probably already know what the Project Mugetsu January codes are all about. And you can probably guess by what the codes unlock, as laid out in the list above. In brief, the codes unlock various bonuses and other useful things. For example, Orbs, which can be used as currency, or free spins, which you can use to earn other useful items. And if you’re unhappy with how you’ve allocated your abilities, the use the reroll to change them around. All in all, they’re very useful and you should redeem them if you can.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.