Reverse 1999 Bio of the Great Thief Puzzle Stage 10 Solution
If you’re struggling with the Reverse 1999 Bio of the Great Thief Stage 10 puzzle solution, or Escape Master, you’re not the only one. A lot of people are struggling with this one. You can solve it in under a minute if you know the right steps, which is exactly what we’ll give you in this guide – a step-by-step breakdown of the puzzle. Let’s get right into it!

How to Beat Reverse 1999 Bio of the Great Thief Puzzle Stage 10 – Escape Master
To beat Stage 10 of the Reverse 1999 Bio of the Great Thief puzzle, aka Escape Master, you need to go through a series of very specific steps. First off, push the bottom pillar (marked 3) one step to the right, then the top one (marked 1) all the way to the bottom pressure plate while avoiding the searchlights.
Next, move both pillars 3 and 4 down one step and pillar 2 to right in front of the door. We’re almost done. When everything is in place as we’ve said, head around to the middle pressure plate. Then, when it’s safe, jump onto the grate with a fan between the searchlights to make a cloud of fog appear. Quickly move the pillar that’s in front of the door onto the top pressure plate, then pillar 4 onto the middle plate. That’s all there is to it. Just exit through the door, and you’re done with the Reverse 1999 Bio of the Great Thief Stage 10 puzzle, aka Escape Master.
And there you have it, that’s all you have to do. It might take a few practice tries, but I’m confident you’ll get through it easily enough. If you need more help, you can check out our video in which we solve every Bio of the Great Thief puzzle. And if there’s something else in Reverse 1999 is giving you trouble, take a look at some of our other guides, like Missing Words Crossword Answers, Best Pickles Build, and George the Oak is Already 700 Years Old Answer.