Serious Sam 4 Cheats

Cheats in Serious Sam 4 allow you to make the game easier or more difficult for yourself by simply entering the correct code. You don’t have to unlock them – you can use them all from the very beginning, but you have to know the code. Also, using them will stop you from unlocking achievements and getting onto leaderboards. If you’re all right with that, this guide will show you a list of all Serious Sam 4 cheats and what they do.

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serious sam 4 cheats
Serious Sam 4 Cheats

Cheat codes in Serious Sam 4

The cheat codes for Serious Sam 4 are literally the exact same as they were for the previous game. To use them, you have to press ~ (tilde, the key to the left of 1), then enter “cht” (without the quotation marks). The game will then show you a list of all the cheats you can use if you press the TAB key, and you can cycle through it with arrow keys.

Keep in mind that most commands have a default value – 0 usually means “off”, while 1 means “on”. Sometimes you’ll have to enter an amount or an ordinal number, so play around with the commands until you get it right. Ususally you have tro enter a command followed by the equals sign and a value at the end (1 for enable, 0 for disable). Some commands require you to enable developer level cheats. When you get it wrong, the game will tell you where you’ve made a mistake. Here’s a list of cheats and what they do:

cht_bEnableCheats=1Enable cheats
cht_bEnableCheats=3Enable developer cheats (some cheats can’t be enabled unless you enable developer level cheats).
cht_bEnableCheats=0Disable cheats
cht_bAutoAim=1Enables auto aim
cht_bGod=1Enables god mode
cht_bFly=1Allows you to fly
cht_bGhost=1No clip
cht_bTurbo=1Increases your speed
cht_bInfiniteAmmo=1Gives you infinite ammo
cht_bGiveAll=1Gives you all weapons and maximum ammo
chtGiveAmmo()Gives you ammo for the specified weapon (you have to put in the exact name of the weapon)
chtGiveWeapon()Gives you the specified weapon (you have to put in the exact name of the weapon)
ch_slGiveArmorGives you armor in the amount you specify
cht_slGiveHealthGives you health
cht_slGiveSkillPointsGives you skill points
cht_slResetSkillsResets your unlocked skills
chtClearGameProgress()Starts a new game
chtJumpToChapter()Starts the specified chapter
chtJumpToFirstChapter()Starts the first chapter
chtJumpToNextChapter()Starts the next chapter
chtJumpToNextLevel()Starts the next level
cht_bInfiniteStaminaGives you inifinite stamina
cht_bInvisibleMakes you invisible
cht_bKillAllKills all enemies
cht_bKillBossKills the boss
cht_bPassThroughPlasmaWallsAllows you to pass through plasma walls
cht_bUnlockMentalModeUnlocks Mental Mode
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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.