Sims 4 Horse Ranch New Traits & Aspirations

The new Sims 4 Horse Ranch Traits and Aspirations have been revealed, and I’m sure knowing what they are ahead of time could be helpful. I mean, those are kinda gonna be one of your first points of contact with the new expansion, as you build your rancher Sims. So, let’s list those new Aspirations and Traits, shall we?

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sims 4 horse ranch new traits & aspirations
Sims 4 Horse Ranch New Traits & Aspirations

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch All New Traits and Aspirations

There are two new Traits and two new Aspirations coming in the Sims 4 Horse Ranch expansion pack. At least, that’s how many where revealed in the pre-launch live stream. There could be more of them, of course. We’ll have to wait for the new content to come out and see. Of course, we will try to update the guide with more information when we have it. Anyways, here are the two new Traits and what they are all about.

  • Rancher – found under Lifestyle – These Sims excel at ranch life and take pride in their work. They enjoy ranch chores and caring for their livestock
  • Horse Lover – found under Social – These Sims share a strong bond with Horses. They have an easier time socializing with and caring for Horses than other Sims

So, those are the new Traits in the Sims 4 Horse Ranch expansion pack, and now we are going to list the Aspirations. The first one is obviously connected to horses, but the second is all about brewing Nectar. Not entirely sure how that connects to the ranch, but it is what it is. Here’s the list.

  • Championship Rider – Athletic Aspiration – This Sim wants to be one of the world’s premiere Horse Riders and will prove it by participating in Horse Competitions
  • Expert Nectar Maker – Food Aspiration – This Sim wants to master the art of Nectar Making, honing their abilities to consistently craft only the best Nectars. They also want to make an absurd amount of Simoleons doing it.
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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.