Unlock Belle and Beast in Disney Dreamlight Valley

If you want to know how to unlock Belle and Beast in Disney Dreamlight Valley, aka Beauty and the Beast, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to share all the information we have on the subject. The new characters are a part of the upcoming update, so we’ll also add a few details on that, too. Let’s begin!

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unlock belle and beast in disney dreamlight valley
Unlock Belle and Beast in Disney Dreamlight Valley

How to Unlock Beauty and Beast Disney Dreamlight Valley

UPDATE: As I’ve said, you unlock Belle and the beast in Disney Dreamlight Valley pretty much as soon as you enter the realm. The door to the realm is on the third tier of the steps in the castle; it’s the middle door and costs 12,500 to open. As soon as you’re transported into Beast’s castle, head straight forward and up the stairs. Follow the book to the library, where you’ll meet Belle. As you complete her quests, you’ll meet Beast soon enough.

how to unlock beauty and beast disney dreamlight valley
Enter the realm and follow the flying book

At time of writing, we don’t yet know how to unlock Belle and Beast, aka Beauty and the Beast, in Disney Dreamlight Valley. That’s because the new content hasn’t released yet. We’ll be sure to update the guide with more information as soon as the update drops. With all of that said, we can assume what’s going to happen. In every single update that brought new character, you also got a new quest line that you have to complete for them. As you complete the missions, you build your friendship with them. I’m absolutely certain that will be the case here, too. I know this, because the patch notes mention “brand new Friendship Quests and items” connected to Belle and Beast.

And that’s all we know on the subject of how to unlock Belle or Beauty and Beast in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Again, well be sure to add as much information as we can when the update releases. After all, I’m sure there will be many other things to do when the new content rolls in. In fact, the aforementioned patch notes also mention the new Haunted Holiday Star Path to celebrate the holiday season, exclusive quests and other things from Ursula in her human form (if you purchase the optional Ursula’s Transformation Dream Bundle), the return of the Halloween event from last year, and more. So, gear yourself up for the spooky season in DDV!

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.