Monster Hunter World Iceborne Will Reward Players For Helping Others

The developers of Monster Hunter World are going to add rewards to players that help others complete quests from the main game. This is because you need to be level 16 in order to play Iceborne, which means, you need to beat the story of World, including the final boss. They haven’t revealed what those rewards will be, but hey, it’s neat that they’re doing it at all. That way, stragglers will be able to wrap up the main game faster, and enjoy Iceborne with everyone that has already completed World in its entirety.

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Monster Hunter World Iceborne Will Reward Players For Helping Others
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Will Reward Players For Helping Others

Getting into Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is a tall order. The recommended Hunter level for even attempting the content that lies therein is 16. The only way to get that far is to complete the entire story of World proper, and defeat the final boss. So, if you haven’t beaten the game, then Iceborne is probably gonna be too tall an order for you. Considering that even Iceborne has its own endgame content, so you really wanna start it off as strong as possible. Luckily for all stragglers, the developers are adding incentives for friends that have completed the game to help you.

See, Capcom doesn’t want to gatekeep Iceborne’s content from players that aren’t as hardcore as some. So, according to an interview with Eurogamer, the game’s directors have revealed a system they’ve come up with to incentivize people to help others. In their own words: “…we’ve also got a system in place called Hunter Helper, so if you haven’t finished World yet and want to catch up so you can play Iceborne, your friends who are a higher rank than you will actually get rewards by playing quests with you and helping you finish up your storyline.”

They’ve also reassured people that Iceborne is for everybody: “We understand there are people who are still part-way along the journey on this game, and we can reassure them it’s definitely something you don’t need to think ‘it’s not for you’ just because you haven’t finished yet, or because you still haven’t reached a certain rank.” Now, you might not like this if you prefer to play on your own. However, this will help you complete the game much more easily. That way, you’ll be ready to face the challenges of Iceborne more quickly. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is coming out on September 6th, so get cracking.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.