New World Sliver of Adderstone - How to Get & Farm

Knowing how to get and farm Sliver of Adderstone in New World is very advantageous. It’s a special resource that you can add when crafting bags to add extra pockets, which is really, really handy. However, Sliver of Adderstone is unfortunately one of those materials that you have to grind out for an endless amount of time, especially if you don’t have the right gear. Still, those extra pockets make a big difference. That’s why we’ve put together our New World Sliver of Adderstone – How to Get & Farm guide to help you out as much as possible.

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new world sliver of adderstone how to get & farm
New World Sliver of Adderstone – How to Get & Farm

How to Get Sliver of Adderstone New World

To get and farm New World Sliver of Adderstone in New World, which adds extra pockets when crafting bags, you need to mine a lot of boulders. And I do mean… a lot of boulders. Before you set out, though, make sure to equip every single bit of clothing that grants additional mining luck, as well as a pickaxe with the same perk. Also, stock up on herb-roasted potatoes, because it grants you extra mining luck for a fairly long amount of time. Armed with the gear and the food, go out into the world and keep breaking boulders until you eventually get the Sliver. There’s no guarantee as to how long it will take, but this is the only way to get the stuff on your own.

You can also purchase it from Trading Posts, if another player is selling. Given its rarity, though, not many will be selling, and if they are, they’ll likely ask for a lot of money. So, your best bet to get and farm New World Sliver of Adderstone is to equip all your mining luck gear, choke down some potatoes, and get to breaking boulders. I wish you the best of luck. All of that said, having extra pockets when crafting bags is incredibly useful, as you might imagine. So, it pays off to do some farming, which is most of what you do in the game, anyway.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.