New Brawlhalla Event BloomHalla - April 28th

Blue Mammoth Games have announced a new seasonal event in BrawlHalla, called BloomHalla. It’s there to celebrate the spring with a number of different blooming nature-themed cosmetics. There’s a new podium in the shape of a flower, skins for Xull and Jaeyun (one for each), cute avatars, and more. The event is still some days away, starting on April 28th.

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new brawlhalla event bloomhalla april 28th
New Brawlhalla Event BloomHalla – April 28th

BloomHalla New Brawlhalla Seasonal Event Details

As we’ve said, the developers of Brawlhalla, Blue Mammoth Games, have revealed a new seasonal event, BloomHalla. As the name implies, it’s the spring “festival” which will launch on April 28th, and it will include a number of cosmetic items that you’ll be able to get. Specifically, we’re talking two new skins, a podium, Verdant Bloom Colors, and three spring-themed and adorable avatars. You can see what they all look like in the image above, but let’s go into a little more details regardless, shall we?

I’d imagine that the biggest draw of the upcoming BloomHalla event for most people are gonna be the skins. The two new skins are for Xull (Elvenhollow) and Jaeyun (Hwarang). Elvenhollow makes Xull look like an Ent warrior as opposed to the usual Orc barbarian. As for Jaeyun’s Hwarang costume, I can only assume it’s a reference to the so-called Flowering Knights from Korean history. After all, his character in general is steeped in Korean culture.

As for the other items in the new BloomHalla event in Brawlhalla, there’s the flower podium. It’s the one that Mordex is standing on above. It actually looks pretty cool in an elvish sort of way. Lastly, thre three avatars include an adorable, sprouting seedling, an equally adorable little bird, and a flower on a daisy. That’s some of the stuff you can expect to see when the event begins in late April; there may be more to it, but that remains to be seen.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.