COD Modern Warfare 3 Lag Issue Fix
If you need a COD Modern Warfare 3 lag issue fix, you’ve come to the right place. There are several potential causes for Modern Warfare 3 lagging – poor connectivity, settings that task your platform and the game too much, those kinds of things. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do on your end to get rid of the lag. So, let’s jump straight in.

How to Fix COD Modern Warfare 3 Lag Issue
There are several ways to fix the lag issue in COD Modern Warfare 3, as we’ve said. The first one is to switch from WiFi to Ethernet cable. No reason to go wireless unless you really have to. The cable is always more effective. If you are stuck with WiFi, though, be sure to switch to a faster band. For example, in your PS5 settings, you can find the option to change from the slower to the faster band. Sometimes, it will switch from one to the other and cause lagging.
With the connection sorted, there are a few more in-game things that you can do to make your experience better. For example, cap your frame rate to 60. I know the PC crowd is not gonna be too happy about this one, but it is what it is. Next up, turn Texture Streaming off and only play the game in full-screen mode. Another potential fix for the lag issue in COD Modern Warfare 3 is, if you’re playing on a TV, disable any post-processing. Modern TVs have a tendency to optimize for clarity and whatnot, which can make the game lag.
Last, but not least, you can potentially stop Modern Warfare 3 from lagging by switching the Default mode to Performance Mode if you’re on PlayStation 5, or whatever the equivalent is on your platform. On top of that, you should also consider deleting your save file. However, make sure to kill the app before doing so. If you don’t the problem will persist. And that’s basically all we have. If you know of any other fixes, let us know in the comments.