Best Starter Pokemon - Piplup, Turtwig, Chimchar Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
If you want to know what the best starter Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl – Piplup, Turtwig, Chimchar – you’ve come to the right place. Most Pokemon games try to do their best to do balance the three starters, so that neither one of them is the obvious best choice, at least, not right off the bat. Well, that is not the case with Pearl and Diamond; one of them is definitely the best choice, as we’ll explain in this guide.

Best Starter Pokemon to Choose – Piplup, Chimchar, Turtwig Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The best starter Pokemon to choose in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl from Piplup, Turtwing and Chimchar is definitely Chimchar. That’s not to say that the other two are horribly bad, but Chimchar is just objectively the best one, for several reasons. For one, this game in particular is very thin on Fire-type Pokemon, so having one right from the jump will be very useful. On top of that, Chimchar is great both in early and late-game Gyms, as its evolutions turn it into a Fire/Fighting-type combo. You don’t need me to tell you why that’ll be advantageous.
Again, that’s not to say that Piplup or Turtwig aren’t valid choices, of course. However, in both cases, you’ll want to get a Ponyta as soon as possible and make sure you take good care of it and keep powering it up. That’s another reason that the best starter Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl is Chimchar and not Piplup or Turtwig, by the way – since Fire Pokemon are fairly rare, many trainers won’t have a good enough response for them, giving you a leg up in most fights.
The second-best out of the starters is Turtwig, by the way, and Piplup is the worst one. The reason that the adorable penguin is the worst one is that it doesn’t do great in gyms, its ultimate evolution is Water/Steel, which is an interesting, but ultimately useless combo, and there are tons of other Water-type Pokemon that are way better choices.