Minun Spotlight Hour Pokemon GO, Shiny Minun January 2022

The Pokemon Go spotlight hour for January 2022 focuses on Minun and gives you the chance to get a shiny Minun. Spotlight hour takes place every week and boosts a specific Pokemon’s spawn rate. In addition, extra bonuses are always on offer. Along with the many events and community days, this month is a great time to be a Pokemon collector. Read on as we give our must-know guide on Minun in the January 2022 Pokemon Go spotlight hour.

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Minun Spotlight Hour Pokemon GO, Shiny Minun January 2022
Minun Spotlight Hour Pokemon GO, Shiny Minun January 2022

Pokemon GO Minun Spotlight Hour

The Minun spotlight hour will take place on January 25th, 2022. Like all spotlight hours, it begins at 6 pm local time and lasts until 7 pm. This is not a lot of time, so clear your diary if you really want to reap the rewards.

During this time, spawn rates for Minun will increase leading to more encounters. Make sure you have plenty of Pokeballs at your disposal ready for the event. This week’s bonus is also double transfer candy during the given hour.

Can Minun Be Shiny?

A shiny Minun is available in Pokemon Go. It looks different from a standard version, as it has a light green colouration on its hands and ears. As the spawn rate is increased, this is the best chance you will have of catching a shiny version.

Keep in mind there are not increased numbers of shiny Minun per the amount of Pokemon spawned. In simple terms, this means you need to encounter as many Minun as possible to meet a shiny. One way to do this is to catch the number of standard Minun you need, then flee from encounters. This will allow you to meet the next Minun quicker. If it is not shiny, then flee to the next one.

Author carl.jackson profile picture
Carl Jackson is a gamer and action figure obsessive. A full-time writer, he loves to type obscure lists about Neo Geo arcade machines. Being a sensitive soul, games that make him cry are his passion. In fact, he still refuses to play Last of Us II as he knows he will blubber throughout the whole thing.