Unlock Clothier, New Clothes Pokemon Legends Arceus
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, you start the game by making a character. You can select options such as your gender, skin tone, clothes, and hairstyle. Since it is very important that you are happy with the way your character looks like – after all, you will be looking at them for most of the entire game – an option to further customize them is available. This is divided into two parts – changing your clothes and your hair. To change your outfits, you will first need to purchase them. This can be done from the Clothier store at Jubilife Village. However, the option to do so isn’t available from the start. Our Unlock Clothier, New Clothes Pokemon Legends Arceus guide will show you what you need to do in order to unlock this store so that you can get access to more clothing options.

How to Unlock Clothier in Pokemon Legends Arceus New Clothes
Once you begin the game, you will soon find yourself in Jubilife Village. There are many shops here. When you take out your map, you will be able to click on buildings and see which shops are there (such as General Store, Hairdresser, etc.), though they aren’t marked on the map with icons – though they will be later. This is your first clue that you are not supposed to try and interact with any of these shops yet. If you try and talk with the shopowners, this won’t lead to them offering you their services.
In fact, what you need to do instead is to complete the second main quest in the game – “The Galaxy Team’s Entry Trial”. Only then will you be able to use all the shops in Jubilife Village, including the Clothier. So, simply follow the main questline and do “The Galaxy Team’s Entry Trial” before trying any of the shops. After that, all of the shops will open up their services to you. As soon as you leave Galaxy Hall after completing this quest, you will encounter Anthe, the Clothier. She will congratulate you and reward you with some new clothes. Of course, you will now also be able to purchase other clothes from her as well.