How to Get Hydrapple Pokemon Indigo Disk, Dipplin Evolution

In our How to Get Hydrapple Pokemon Indigo Disk, Dipplin Evolution guide, we are going to show you how to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple in the Indigo Disk DLC. It is quite the process, because you have to earn a specific TM, but it’s worth it in the end. If for no other reason, then to complete that Pokedex. Let’s get right into it!

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how to get hydrapple pokemon indigo disk dipplin evolution
How to Get Hydrapple Pokemon Indigo Disk, Dipplin Evolution

How to Evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk DLC

To evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk DLC, you actually have to put in quite a bit of work. More specifically, you have to beat the entire story and then get to the Elite Four. The dude in the polar biome is called Drayton, and he specializes in dragon-type Pokemon. Once you defeat him, you’ll get a special TM called Dragon Cheer. Now, you might be tempted to place it on a more powerful Pokemon than Dipplin, and that’s fine, but then you won’t be able to get a Hydrapple. See, what you need to do is give the Dragon Cheer to Dipplin, then watch it turn into a mythological creature emerging from an apple.

Can You Evolve Hydrapple?

No, you can’t evolve Hydrapple any further in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk DLC. That is the highest it will go. And, I mean, isn’t it enough? The adorable apple-shaped critter has now turned into a five-headed hydra, for Pete’s sake, what more do you want? What I do have to mention is that Applin has three different evolution chains, depending on which apple you feed it. If you use a Tart Apple, it’ll turn into Flapple. Use a Sweet Apple, and you get Appletun. Both evolution chains stop there (Gigantamax versions excluded). But if you use a Syrupy Apple, that’s how you get Dipplin (in Teal Mask).

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.