Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sinistea Location
Figuring out where to find the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sinistea location is important for two reasons. Obviously, you want to complete your Pokedex. However, if you’re playing Pokemon Violet, then you need to hunt them even more fervently. Why? Because they drop a resource necessary to ultimately evolve Charcadet into Ceruledge. So, let’s see where the teacup Pokemon spawn most often.

Where to Find Sinistea in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
To find the location of Sinistea in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you need to look for it in Ruins, as long as they’re near towns and cities. Now, the Habitat map that you can see in the game shows you two habitats, one in the center east and one in the far southwest of Paldea. We highly recommend that you focus on the southwest. Specifically, you should look around the city of Alfornada, in South province (Area Six). There are some ruins to the east of the city, in which you can find Sinistea. However, they can also spawn to the west, and possibly other locations. The trouble is that they are very rare, and very easy to overlook since they’re so tiny.

And there you have it, that’s where you’re most likely to find the location of Sinistea in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. They can appear around Alfornada both in the daytime and at night, and I highly recommend focusing on the to the east. Again, keep in mind that Sinistea is pretty rare wherever you look, and quite small. So, keep your eyes peeled. And if you’re wondering why they’re so important, it’s because they drop Sinistea Chips. In Pokemon Violet, you need to gather ten of these chips and give them to the dark-skinned old person in Zapcico. In return, they will give you the Malicious Armor. You need this item to evolve Charcadet into Ceruledge, a Pokemon Violet exclusive. In Pokemon Scarlet, you need Bronzor Fragments.