Spicy Herba Mystica Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
It won’t be long until you come across some Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This mysterious plant comes in several different types, all of which are very powerful sandwich ingredients. Since sandwiches crafted with Herba Mystica have some truly spectacular effects, you will definitely want to get and farm as much of it as possible. In this guide, we’re going to focus on one type of HM in particular – the Spicy Herba Mystica. So here’s what you need to know about the Spicy Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This included the location where you can find Spicy Herba Mystica and what it is used for.

How to Get Spicy Herba Mystica Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
You will first encounter Spicy Herba Mystica in SV during your hunt for the Titans in the Path of Legends. This is needed in order to upgrade your bike Pokemon and have it gain new abilities. After defeating all of these Titans, you then won’t see another Herba Mystica plant for a long while. In fact, you will only be able to get them again once you finish the main story in the game.
Once you have done that, you will then be able to get Spicy Herba Mystica. To obtain this item – as well as other types of HM: Salty Herba Mystica, Sweet Herba Mystica, and Sour Herba Mystica – you have to take part in 5-star and 6-star Raids. These Raids will reward you with, among other things, Herba Mystica. For each Raid you complete, you will get at least one HM, often more. So while it isn’t a particularly quick method, this is the only way to farm Spicy Herba Mystica in the game. After that, you can then use them to craft Shiny Sandwich Recipes.