Tekken 7 Release Date Announced for Consoles

Bandai Namco originally slated the Tekken 7 console release for early 2017. However, thanks to a new delay, the official new release date is June 2nd 2017. At least now, fans of the complex fighter game know exactly when the wait will end.

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Tekken 7 Release Date Announced for Consoles
Tekken 7 Release Date Announced for Consoles

Tekken 7 arrived to arcades in Japan way back in March 2015. Since then, fans have been eagerly awaiting for the day it finally comes out on a medium that people actually own. Originally, Namco Bandai planned to release the game in early 2017. With the new delay, you’ll have to wait until June.

During a press conference, project leader Katsuhiro Harada explained the reasons behind the delay.

We saw some titles–some from our own company and some from others–which didn’t have a very good launch because of a lack of content, or whatever it was, that caused players to bash the product.

This lead them to push the release date, rather than come out with a lacking game. This way, the game will feature all of the content they planned. The decision wasn’t an easy one, however.

“Although this is the first time we’ve actually announced a date, it wasn’t always June. It came through a process and we made some hard decisions and that was the result.”

He then proceeded to apologize to the fans for the delay.

“‘Early’ was probably March or April from your average person’s perspective, so we’re not going to try and sugar-coat it. We realize it’s not ‘early,’ I’m so sorry!”

So, there you have it. Fans of the Tekken franchise will have to be patient for a little longer than they expected to get their hands on number seven. Still, it seems that the delay is justified. Better to wait a little longer than come out with an almost incomplete game. Right, Street Fighter?

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.