TemCards Locations in Temtem

TemCards are among the most useful items in Temtem. They’re used to catch and transport Temtem, which makes them absolutely essential to any tamer. They can be bought in certain shops, but you can also find them in small numbers scattered around the world, free for the taking. If you’re low on them, this guide will show you all the TemCards locations in Temtem that we’ve discovered.

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temtem temcards locations
TemCards Locations in Temtem

Where to buy TemCards?

You can buy TemCards at any Temporium store. These can be found in pretty much every corner of the world – no matter where you are, you’re always a short walk away from a Temporium. They sell TemCards for 15 monies a piece. You can find them in various locations, like Brical de Mar, Sillaro River, Arissola, Prasine Coast, Nanga, Turquesa, Mokupuni, Gifted Bridges, and the Hangroad. If you look at the map, you’ll recognize them by the white rectangular icon with three black lines meeting in the middle of it.


Where to find free TemCards?

Free TemCards are much more difficult to find, but not impossible. You’ll sometimes find them in item boxes, or laying around on the ground. You won’t find them in large quantities this way, but every little bit helps – you’ll often have to use more than one card to capture a Temtem.

Here are some places where you can get free TemCards:

  • You can get 3 from the item box on the first floor of the Aguamarina Caves, near the Cave Explorer tamer.
  • You’ll find 7 at the Thalassian Cliffs – 2 in the grass next to the tamer Galeazoo, and 5 more in the pond (if you have the surfboard).

We’re going to keep playing, and we’ll update the guide as soon as we discover another location. If you know of a place we’ve missed, feel free to let us know in the comments.

Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.