AC Origins Abilities, Skills & Builds - Where to Invest Starting Points

Assassin’s Creed Origins comes with a complex ability points system. Investing in them, especially the first ones, will have a high impact on your game. There’s fifty three abilities in total, divided into three skill trees: Hunter, Warrior and Seer. In this guide, we’ll go through some ability builds in Assassin’s Creed Origins, and explain where to invest starting points.

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AC Origins Abilities Build Where to Invest Starting Points
Assassin’s Creed Origins Abilities Builds – Where to Invest Starting Points
Note: If you are eager, you can earn all the abilities in the tree. There’s also dumping ability skills, which lets you spend all future points on the same skill, like increasing your damage with bows, melee, or tools, by 1% each.

AC: Origins Abilities Quick Information

Assassin’s Creed Origins has one large ability tree. It is divided into three sections: Hunter, Warrior and Seer. Each one of them represents something unique about combat, while also adding utility skills that will help you in the game.

Hunter is your bow / stealth skill tree. Players who want to keep with the game’s title will find this skill branch to be the most useful. The stealth part of the tree offers bonus XP and automatic looting, while the majority of the skills rely on the bow ability upgrades, such as controlling the arrow, shooting more, slow motion in air, and more.

Warrior is your melee combat tree. It unleashes the full power of your melee weapons and shields, allowing them to perform better in combat. If you are a fan of silent take-downs, this tree is not for you. Nevertheless, it is still quite necessary, as you’ll get into melee combat quite a lot.

The Seer skill tree is a utility one, with the ability to call your mount, speed up time, purchase rare quality gear from shops, and more. The bombs, smoke screens, poison darts, and the like makes this tree extremely useful.

Starting Builds – Where to invest first Ability Points?

The “Best of Everything” build would assume you taking a bit from all the three trees, focusing more on the combat, range and melee. The ten skills for the build would be as follows: Hunter – Eagle Tagging, Arrow Retriever, Headshot XP / Warrior – Overpower, Regeneration, Charge Heavy Attack, Eagle Harass, Parry, Weapon Bearer / Seer – Call Mount.

The “long range, stealth approach” build relies on killing enemies without spending too much time in combat. The ten skills for the build are: Hunter – Eagle Tagging, Assassination XP, Headshot XP, Bow Bearer, Eagle Harass, Enhanced Predator Bow, Enhanced Light Bow / Warrior – Overpower, Regeneration / Seer – Call Mount.

The “close combat build” basically turns you into a full-on melee beast, going in all (metaphorical) guns blazing. It will make you into a powerful Spartacus-like fighter. The ten skills for the build are: Hunter – Eagle Tagging / Warrior – Overpower, Regeneration, Parry, Weapon Bearer, Overpower Ultra, Overpower Combo, Overpower XP, Adrenaline 1 / Seer – Call Mount.

The “Quality of Life” is probably the build that I’ll go for at the start of the game. It focuses mainly on gaining more XP. The ten skills for the build are: Hunter – Eagle Tagging, Assassination XP, Headshot XP / Warrior – Overpower, Regeneration, Parry, Weapon Bearer, Overpower XP, Adrenaline 1 / Seer – Call Mount.
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Lokesh still remembers Purra, the cat from Aion, and how finding her and helping other players by spreading the information made him feel proud. Presenting precise and clear guidelines that readers can easily comprehend is the goal he strives for. That being the case, please excuse the numerous lists and tables in his articles.


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