BG3 Balthazar Room, Protruding Book Puzzle

In our BG3 Balthazar Room, Protruding Book Puzzle guide, we are going to show you how to open Balthazar’s bookcase in Moonrise Towers in Baldur’s Gate 3. It is a puzzle that’s not as difficult as it is obtuse, and everything is in darkness so it’s easy to miss the necessary elements. That’s why we’re here to help, so let’s begin.

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bg3 balthazar room protruding book puzzle
BG3 Balthazar Room, Protruding Book Puzzle

How to Solve BG3 Balthazar Room Puzzle with Protruding Book

To solve the Moonrise Towers Balthazar room puzzle in BG3 or Baldur’s Gate 3, the one with the protruding book, the first step is to search the corpse of the Human Spellcaster near the bookcase. You’ll find it at these coordinates: X: -143, Y: -174. On it, you’ll find a heart that you have to pick up. Now, the bookcase itself will have four bookcases lit up if you make a successful Perception check. You want to interact only with the protruding book in the upper right corner. Then, interact with the Ancient Altar to the right of the bookcase and place the heart inside. This will solve the puzzle. A part of the bookcase will move and give you access to the hidden lab.

how to solve bg3 balthazar room puzzle with protruding book
Puzzle solution (click or tap to enlarge)

And there you have it, that’s how you solve the Balthazar room puzzle with the protruding book in Moonrise Towers in BG3 or Baldur’s Gate 3. I strongly recommend you comb through the whole laboratory. It’s dark in there, like in the room with the altar and the corpse, so use that Highlight Object button liberally. Definitely check out the research notes on the desk to learn something interesting. Also, there’s an Opulent Chest that you can lockpick (DC 14). Another thing you can find in the lab are the resources to fix the Broken Moonlantern. If you’ve held off on freeing the pixie from the working Moonlantern, you now have no excuse. Freedom for Dolly!

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.