Battleborn Got New Supercharged PvP Mode
Gearbox Software and 2K Games has launched a new PvP mode for Battleborn, called Supercharged. The new mode is 3v3, and it’s a mashup between Meltdown (earning appeasement points from MINREC) and Capture (keeping a capture point). The new mode also includes new maps and challenges, and it’s completely free.

Battleborn has had a difficult life. Being a first-person shooter MOBA with colorful characters and launching pretty much parallel with Overwatch pretty much guaranteed that it would immediately be pushed to the side. Since then, developers at Gearbox Software and publisher 2K Games have made the game free-to-play (almost), and the game has since managed to get off. The fans of the game must be happy that the team behind the game hasn’t given it up and are continuing to support it.
Gearbox and 2K have recently launched a brand new Battleborn 3v3 PvP mode named Supercharged, and they announced it on the game’s official website. This new mode is a combination of already existing modes, Meltdown and Capture. In short, players will unleash their waves of minions and earn Appeasement Points, but they can try and secure a capture point. The team that has the capture point gets more powerful, or “supercharged” minions.
The new mode is completely free, and it also includes new maps and challenges. Check out what you can get in the list below.
- 3v3 – Smaller teams mean that you need to closely coordinate to get those minions to where MINREC wants them, while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. You’ll be doing more… and you’ll need to be a whole lot quicker.
- New Maps – Play on three brand new maps created and sized specifically for Supercharge: Ziggurat, Permafrost, and Horizon. These tightened-up battlefields will make those 3-on-3 fights even crazier.
- New Challenges Complete Supercharge-specific challenges for more titles, experience, and Credits!