Battlefest is live Battlefield 1
Battlefest has officially begun for all the fans of Battlefield 1. All the players can participate in different events and community missions.
Rewards are different weapon skins, Experience boosts, dog tags and more. Battlefield 1 was patched recently providing us with a much better gaming experience in multiplayer. Also, make sure that you check out new game modes Hardcore and Fog of War.

Full schedule of Battlefest activities:
Wednesday, November 16- Battlefest Dog Tag: Login to Battlefield 1 between November 16 and November 27 and receive a special Battlefest Dog Tag (awarded on November 28).
- Battlefield 1 Battlefest Livestream: Tune in to at 1PM – 3PM PT for a jam-packed stream with Battlefield 1 action, including Fog of War and Hardcore gameplay. There will be DICE developer interviews and giveaways.
- Custom Games: We’re adding Hardcore and Fog of War to the Custom Games menu. Make sure to try out these unique experiences.
- Battlefield Insider Dog Tag giveaway: All players who have signed up to Battlefield Insiders by this date will be automatically awarded with this Dog Tag next time you log in. (The Dog Tag will be entitled to the EA account associated with the email address used to sign up to become a Battlefield Insider.)
- “Best Community in the World” Dog Tag: This special Dog Tag will be handed out to players via our Game Changers.
- PTFO Battlefest Mission: Complete this Battlefield 1 mission and you will receive the PTFO weapon skin. Play Battlefield 1 on three different days during Battlefest and win a match in Operations to succeed.
- Road to Battlefield 1 Mission: This is for the Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline players. Get 25 kills with the M1911 in either game to get the Road to Battlefield 1 Dog Tag and the M1911 Incarcerator weapon skin in Battlefield 1*.
- Battlefest Battlepack Update: A new and Battlefest-branded revision of Battlepacks will be available.
- Black Friday Sale: Get a great deal on Battlefield 1 and other EA games at your favorite online distributor.
- #FridayNightBattlefield Battlefest: Want to melee a Battlefield 1 developer? We’ve prepped a ton of servers for this special #FridayNightBattlefield and an exclusive Friday Night Dog Tag will be handed out at this event.
- 2XP Event: Battlefield Hardline and Battlefield 4 players will get double XP when playing on November 18.
- Battlefest Community Videos: Learn to PTFO by some of the most renowned Battlefield community members.
- Veteran Dog Tag: This Battlefield 1 Dog Tag will be rewarded to all players who played Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, or Battlefield Hardline.
- CTE Veteran Dog Tag: This Dog Tag will be rewarded to players who have been part of the Community Test Environment on Battlefield 4 or Battlefield Hardline.
- #FridayNightBattlefield Battlefest: Another action-packed Friday Night where you get to play Battlefield 1 with the DICE devs.
- 2XP Event: Battlefield Hardline and Battlefield 4 players will get double XP when playing on November 25.