DMZ Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide, Cephalexin, or Acetone Locations

In our DMZ Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide, Cephalexin, or Acetone Locations guide, we are going to talk about where you can find these chemicals for the Phalanx faction. You need three bottles of chemicals to finish the job, and they are not super-easy to find. Hopefully, this guide is going to help you out. Let’s jump straight in!

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dmz bottles of hydrogen peroxide cephalexin or acetone locations
DMZ Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide, Cephalexin, or Acetone Locations

DMZ Extract 3 Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide, Cephalexin, or Acetone Chemicals Locations

There are several locations from which you can extract three bottles of chemicals, specifically hydrogen peroxide, acetone and/or acetone for the DMZ Phalanx faction. First off, make sure to check hospitals thoroughly. They often keep all three of these, or at least one. Just be sure to comb through every single inch of the location; disregard everything else if you can. You’re on a mission here, after all. Another potential locale to sweep in search for these chemicals is the Koschei Complex. I’ve seen people report that you can find the required items there, too. Wherever you decide to go, always be careful of enemies. Don’t get carried away with the search so much that you end up taking a bullet to the head.

Those are the locations in DMZ that we know of from which you can extract three bottles of hydrogen peroxide, acetone or acetone. You can also find them in medical cabinets dotted across the map. The checmicals all look like pill bottles, by the way. If you know of any other places where these chemicals spawn, let us know in the comments and we’ll update the guide. One thing that we do have to mention here is that the whole set of the Phalanx faction mission is bugged. Namely, sometimes it just randomly completes two of the missions for you. This means that you can’t get enough Reputation to progress to the story mission. Now, I have seen theories that the devs did this on purpose to slow down speedrunners. Whatever the case may be, you’ll just have to wait for them to fix it.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.