DMZ Pickup Radios Dropped by AQ Members, Always Listening
The Always Listening mission in Warzone 2 requires that you first pickup five radios dropped by neutralized AQ members and after that to then kill 15 members marked by those radios. There are a couple of things that make this a pretty difficult mission, and we are going to go over everything that you need to know about Always Listening and how to Pickup Radios Dropped by AQ Members in the DMZ right here in this guide. Let’s get right into it.

Pickup Radios Dropped by Neutralized AQ Members DMZ Warzone 2
To complete this mission, you need to kill enemies in the DMZ until they drop the UAV Radio item. This is a random drop, but it appears that armored enemies have a greater chance of dropping it than unarmored ones. So whenever you are in a shootout, make sure that you search the ground afterward. You’ll be able to easily recognize the radio due to the noise that it makes – a combination of radio static and incoming messages.
Once you pickup the radio, it will automatically activate and send out a signal. This signal will then mark the surrounding enemies for about 20 seconds. You need to kill these enemies while they are marked. Needless to say, this is very hard to do, so you will need to be quick. If you kill them after the marking effect is over, this won’t count toward completing the objective. As such, this is best to do with a fellow squadmate, as you can cover much more ground this way than by playing solo. A good place to grind this would be in a Stronghold – you can kill off the enemies there and then, if none of these dropped a radio, wait for reinforcements and take them out as well until you’ve got enough radios and marked kills.